Thursday, January 1, 2015

On this date in my Family History - January 1st

On January 1st, 1810, my 6th great grandfather, Charles Greene, died in Lewis County, New York.

Charles Greene was born in Westerly, Rhode Island in 1749, the first of 8 children born to Joseph Greene and Margaret Greenman.  He moved to West Greenwich, then to Berlin, New York and finally to Lewis County, New York.

Charles was a Revolutionary War Patriot.  He was in units in both Rhode Island and New York.  He and some of his brothers moved to Rensselaer County, New York around 1778.

Charles was in the 4th generation of Greenes born in what is currently the United States (at that time the British Colonies of New England).  He married Waite Bailey in 1768.  They had 12 children.  Their 7th child, Russell Greene was my 5th great grandfather.  Their 10th child, Waity Greene, was my 5th great grandmother through another branch of the family.

Relationship #1

Charles Greene - Russell Greene - Amy Greene (Nichols) - Ethelbert Nichols - Daniel Webster Nichols - Daniel Merton Nichols - Harry Orville Nichols - David Nichols - Me.

Relationship #2

Charles Greene - Waity Greene (Witter) - Mariah Witter (Cooper) - Laura Cooper (Nichols) - Daniel Webster Nichols - Daniel Merton Nichols - Harry Orville Nichols - David Nichols - Me.

So, basically, two of his great grandchildren (Ethelbert Nichols and Laura Cooper) married and became my 4th great grandparents.

The Greene family came to America from England, and their ancestry has been traced back to 1232 in England.  

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