Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Time to plan our next Genealogy Field Trip

The tourist season will end in a few weeks, and I'll be able to take a little time off.  We've been talking about our next field trip for almost a year.  We are planning a trip to western Illinois, within an hour or so of St Louis.  Chuck's Ketchum ancestors lived in small towns in Randolph small there aren't any hotels we're trying to find a bigger city to stay in while we explore.  If we can take a little more time, we are thinking of tracking his mom's side up in Grafton area.  There are so many places to explore in that area...I'd love to have time to visit some cemeteries in St Louis, too, since I have found a number of his ancestors' final resting places documented online.  We will see what we find time to do.  There is never enough time.

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